Minggu, 05 April 2009

Calm Food

Your day-to-day full pressure and stress? Perhaps the food menu below can help you to calm your selves.

1. Skim milk chai latte, and cream cheese bread. Carbohydrate in the bread can provide energy, to balance matching protein from smilk, which will provide freshness. Both are easy to be consumed while you are in a hurry.Both is suitable in the morning so that the stomach remains filled and avioding sleepiness.

2. Milk. Stress can lower the serotonin level, a chemical substance that the body can make us calm.

3. Salad with grilled chicken or fish. Green foliage, such as spinach, is rich in vitamin B, and this is a substance hormone immovability builders, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Nursing said that lack of vitamin B6 can cause a flutter, easy to angry, even depression.

4.Cocoa covered beans. Products such as M & M's chocolate have a peanut in each of them. Chocolate will trigger endorfin can provide tranquility, while the peanut provide protein to make us stay focused.

5. Grilled salmon. Consumption of fish rich in omega 3 fatty acid (such as salmon, mackerel, trout) can make the mind calm, said the results of a study conducted in California.

6. Fruits. Sugar found in fruit can give adrenalin energy supply. If you are watching television, for example, drama is exciting, we usually like to munch popcorn or chips. To be more healthy, replace those with orange fruit, so it's not only make your hands and mouth busy, but it also does not make a heap of fat in the body.

7. Oatmeal and bananas.Hard to sleep at night? Try oatmeal consumption of a given snippet of bananas. Both melatonin is a spark, ie, substances that help the brain to rest.

Resource: Kompas.com

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